About Angie Weaver
My Journey to Good Stewardship
Well, hello!
So happy that you are here!
At Good Stewardship Consulting, we transform multi-generational workforces through communication coaching and soft skills development. Don't just train - transform. Equip your team with the skills to be exceptional stewards of their time, talents, and resources.
Rooted in Appalachia
Growing up in the 70's in a small KY town, I was raised by an immigrant mother and three generations of Appalachian grandmothers. From them, I inherited three guiding principles that have shaped my life and work:
- Maintain a strong work ethic
- Uphold integrity in your words and actions
- Be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves
Over the course of my life, these lessons manifested in many ways, but the thread that tied them together was an ability to navigate and facilitate uncomfortable conversations - a skill that has become increasingly valuable in our polarized world.
A Career in Advocacy
After graduating from college, I became a victim's advocate. For 28 years, I have guided survivors of abuse and sexual assault through the complex and often traumatic court process. This work honed my ability to listen beyond words, to hear the unspoken, and to empower survivors to envision a better future for themselves.
A Pivotal Realization
I thought everyone possessed this skill until 2021 when I was invited to join a group of facilitators addressing the deep polarization in our country around topics such as race, religion, and criminal justice reform. As I traveled to colleges and universities across the nation, a stark realization dawned on me: what was lacking in these spaces wasn't the ability to debate or intellectualize topics, but the soft skills of genuine listening, empathy, and resilience.
This experience highlighted a critical gap in our society. While we excel at producing knowledge and fostering intellectual discourse, we often falter in our ability to truly connect, understand, and collaborate across differences. The absence of these soft skills reverberates far beyond the workplace, affecting our communities and our shared future.
The Birth of Good Stewardship Consulting
As someone deeply committed to the principle of good stewardship—for our workplaces, our communities, and our world—my call to action was clear.
I could create training environments where people can learn, develop, and deepen these crucial abilities. While these skills may be challenging to quantify, their impact is profound and far-reaching.
By fostering better communication, empathy, and resilience, we not only enhance workplace productivity but also contribute to healing the fractures in our wider society.
Our Vision and Impact
Good Stewardship Consulting offers tailored programs that improve workplace relationship dynamics, enhance leadership effectiveness, and build a more adaptive, resilient workforce.
By investing in soft skills, we're not just improving workplace metrics—we're contributing to a more empathetic, collaborative, and resilient society. Your investment in your team's soft skills today becomes a catalyst for positive change that extends well beyond the bottom line.
Let's work together to unlock this potential in your employees. I am excited to see what we can do together!